How Does TikTok Know Me So Well?! 2024 Explanation

How Does TikTok's Algorithm Know Me So Well?

Watching videos and content you enjoy on social media platforms is one thing, but experiencing an algorithm that seems to know your personal tastes with remarkable precision is another level.

If you’ve ever wondered, “How does TikTok’s algorithm know me so well?“—you’re not alone. Many TikTok users have pondered this question. But how accurate is this perception?

Mobile Wireless Trends is here to provide a quick and easy explanation of how the TikTok algorithm works. Get ready to understand what’s behind the scenes at this dynamic platform!


How Does TikTok’s Algorithm Know Me So Well?

TikTok’s algorithm has proven to be one of the most powerful feedback programs in social media apps nowadays. It seems to show you everything you like, and even big publishers, such as NY Times, have mentioned that this algorithm seems to read your mind.

It is not only showing you popular videos with comments that you might like, but it’s always delivering recommendation content that you like, even if you don’t follow a specific account.

Well, the answer to this main question might be kind of abstract. TikTok does not read your mind, but the app does have access to many of your phone features, which makes it easier for them to understand how to show you active and granular content to keep you inside the app for as much time as they can.


How Does TikTok Know What I Like?

TikTok knows what you like because they have mastered user feedback on their algorithm. This means that, even if you don’t like or comment on a video (which is called implicit feedback), they understand that you like the content based on what they show you if you see it for a few seconds.

On the other hand, explicit feedback, which takes place when you like or comment, or even save a video, is used to power up similar recommendations on your For You Page.

When you pass through a video or just skip it because you didn’t like it, TikTok quickly understands this and starts to show you less similar content. There’s also a Not Interested Button that you can use to filter content, but this is actually not necessary most of the time.

Needless to say, when you repost a TikTok, they also know that you are highly interested in this content, and they start to show you similar content to gain more engagement from your side based on your preferences.


What Does the TikTok Algorithm Know About Me?

TikTok knows your full name, address, video views, liked content, IP address, preferred creators, and even content shared through TikTok messages.

As a consequence, if you just share a video with a friend and don’t even like the video, then TikTok will use this information to power up its algorithms.

This is great for creators because they can reach like-minded people who enjoy their content easier than on other platforms, and over time, Get Paid on TikTok.

TikTok is constantly learning from you, which means that even if they already have a lot of information from your side, which you have already agreed to share, they will still know more about you as an individual as long as you continue to use the app.


How Do I Change My Algorithm On TikTok?

Although there is no button to change your algorithm on TikTok, there are a couple of things that you can do to change the way in which social engineering features work on it.

One of the most surprising things about TikTok’s algorithm is the fact that it changes pretty quickly, so it is possible to control it if you do a couple of things.


How to Control Your For You Page on TikTok

Your For You Page or FYP is the place where TikTok decides to show videos and relevant content that you might like. So, if you want to be the master of your own TikTok FYP page, then follow these three tips:

  1. Use the Not Interested Button as many times as you want. This will hide any TikTok sound, trend, or content that you simply don’t like.
  2. Like the types of videos that you want to watch. Don’t just watch it for the sake of doing it, tap the like button, and TikTok will rapidly understand what you want to get out of the algorithm.
  3. Block accounts if needed. Blocking is kind of drastic, but it is a great way to let TikTok know that you don’t like a certain type of content at all.


Tech Recap: How Does TikTok Algorithm Know You So Well?

TikTok’s algorithm gathers information about you, and it’s a fact that the app gets to know a lot about your preferences. The decision is yours—you can choose to modify your preferences or even opt for settings that allow the algorithm to understand you better.

While you do grant TikTok necessary permissions for the app to function, the ultimate choice lies with you. It’s your decision to tailor the experience according to your preferences and comfort level.


Techies Also Ask

Is TikTok Listening?

Yes – if you are using TikTok right now, then it is important to know that they do have access to your microphone whenever you use the app!