How to Appeal Facebook Page Removal [Copy & Paste Example]

how to appeal Facebook page removal

Facebook Pages are insanely effective – according to HootSuite, the average retail Facebook Page gets almost one million impressions per month!

So, naturally, we want to have our Facebook Pages up and running.

But what if, out of nowhere, Facebook decides to remove your page? What should you do now?

This has happened to us in the past, and now, Mobile Wireless Trends will show you how to appeal Facebook Page removal by following a quick of effective steps.


Quick Tech Answer

To appeal a Facebook page removal, access your Facebook Support Inbox, locate your alerts concerning violations, and determine if the page removal qualifies for an appeal. If eligible, submit the appeal through the Oversight Board website and await Facebook’s review. Progress through the appeal process once Facebook responds to your submission.

Tech Shortcut

Why Did Facebook Remove My Page?

Sometimes, understanding the decisions behind Facebook’s Content Review system is not easy (don’t get me started with Facebook Search Ban!).

However, if Facebook removed your page, then there are three main reasons behind their decision.


1. Security Reasons or Suspicious Activity

Facebook may remove a page if they detect security concerns or suspicious activity associated with the page. 

This action is taken to safeguard users from potential scams, phishing attempts, or unauthorized access to personal information. 

Facebook’s priority is to maintain a safe environment for its users, and if a page is flagged for engaging in activities that raise security concerns, the page might be removed to mitigate potential risks.

We know that there are many Facebook Messenger Hackers and Facebook Marketplace Scammers, so Meta constantly removes profiles to ensure a safe environment for everyone.


2. Content or Community Guidelines Violations

Facebook has a set of community standards and content guidelines that all pages and users must adhere to

If a page consistently shares content that violates these guidelines, such as hate speech, graphic violence, harassment, or other forms of harmful or inappropriate content, it may be removed. 

This is to ensure that the platform remains respectful, inclusive, and suitable for a diverse range of users. Pages that repeatedly violate these guidelines may face removal to uphold the integrity of the platform.

If you severely broke Facebook’s Community Rules, then recovering your Page will not be easy at all, but we’ll try it either way.


3. Copyright or Trademark Report

If a page is reported for using copyrighted or trademarked content without proper authorization, Facebook may remove the page. 

This is to address intellectual property rights and prevent the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials or trademarks. 

Facebook aims to respect intellectual property and protect the rights of content creators and trademark holders, so pages that receive valid reports of copyright or trademark infringement may be taken down to address these concerns.

You can learn more about trademark suspensions on Facebook by checking the official Meta Support website.


How Long Do Facebook Page Violations Last?

According to Facebook, when a Facebook Page gets removed due to a violation, this violation lasts on your profile for one year.

However, this “sentence” can be reduced to a few weeks or months, depending on how you proceed.

Moreover, the duration of the Page removal might change based on the following factors:

1. Nature of Violation and Policy: When content goes against Facebook’s Community Standards, the platform removes it and notifies the account holder about the reason behind the removal. 

The duration of the violation’s impact on the account depends on the specific policy the content violated.

2. History of Violations: Facebook considers the account’s history of previous violations. If an account has a record of multiple violations, the consequences for new violations might be more severe.

3. Warning and Restriction System: Typically, for most violations, Facebook issues a warning before applying restrictions. 

If an account goes on to violate policies again, it may lose access to certain features. If multiple pieces of content are removed in a short span, a short-term restriction might be placed on the account.

4. Account and Content Status: Account holders can view their violation history, any current restrictions, and their durations in their Account Status. 

If managing a Page or a group, similar information can be found in Page Quality or Group Quality. Facebook keeps a record of warnings and restrictions, and these records expire one year after issuance.

5. Mistakes and Reversals: In cases where Facebook makes a mistake in removing content that didn’t actually violate Community Standards, the removed content might be restored, and associated restrictions could be lifted.


Can You Appeal Facebook Page Removal?

Yes, you can appeal a Facebook Page removal, but it will not always be possible.

According to Facebook Policies, not all content is approved for appeals. This means that if you broke the rules several times, or broke them once with clear severity, then FB will not even consider your appeal.

These are the three most important things to consider about the Facebook Page Removal Appeal Process:

1. Appeals Process Overview: When content is removed from Facebook due to policy violations, the individual responsible for the post receives a notification. They are presented with the choice to either accept the decision or disagree with it and request a further review.

2. Review Process: If the individual disagrees with the initial decision and opts for an appeal, the content is resubmitted for another review. During this review, the content is not visible to other users on the platform.

3. Scope of Appeals: Facebook offers appeals for a wide range of violation types on both Facebook and Instagram, with the exception of violations involving extreme safety concerns, such as child exploitation imagery. 

The appeal process involves a combination of human review and technology, and Facebook may not always be able to review all requests during busy periods. 

Additionally, the appeals process covers not only content that was acted upon but also content that was reported but did not result in action, with these reporter appeals not being included in the Community Standards Enforcement Report.

This means that EVEN IF YOU DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG, Facebook might still remove your page – and this is where we come into the scene.


How to Appeal Facebook Page Removal: 6 Steps

The only way to appeal a Facebook Page Removal is to directly get in touch with Facebook’s Support Team.

There are six general steps to complete this process, but keep in mind that the outcomes might vary depending on the severity of your actions.

Follow these six steps to learn how to appeal Facebook Page removal based on this original Mobile Wireless Trends’ research.



Steps to Appeal Facebook Page Removal



Step 1: Go to Your Facebook Support Inbox

First, let’s start by navigating to your Facebook Support Inbox. 

This inbox serves as a central hub for various notifications and messages related to your account. 

You can access your Facebook Support Inbox directly from this link – remember that you must be logged into your Facebook Account before doing so!

By accessing your Support Inbox, you gain access to essential information and updates regarding any actions taken on your account.


Step 2: Select Your Alerts and Open Your Violations

Within your Facebook Support Inbox, look for alerts that pertain to the specific content violations or page removals that you seek to appeal. 

These alerts will provide you with insights into the actions Facebook has taken and the reasons behind them. 

Here should appear Facebook’s decision to remove your page, so click on it.

Once you’ve identified the relevant alerts, take the time to open and thoroughly review them.

Understanding the specifics of the violations is crucial for crafting an effective appeal, but we are going to help you out with that below.


Step 3: Check if the Page Removal Is Eligible for Appeal

Before proceeding further, assess whether the page removal in question is eligible for an appeal. 

Facebook provides guidelines regarding which types of removals can be appealed. 

While many content removals are open for appeal, there are certain extreme safety concerns, such as cases involving violent content, that might not be eligible. 

Review the specific policies and criteria to ensure that the removal qualifies for appeal, as addressing ineligible cases will not work at all.

Step 4: Submit Facebook Page Removal Appeal to the Oversight Board Website

If the page removal qualifies for an appeal, proceed to submit your appeal through the Oversight Board website

The Oversight Board is an independent body that reviews appeals related to content removals on Facebook. 

Here is where the magic happens – we are about to appeal Facebook Page removal, so prepare yourself.


1. Facebook Page Removal Copy & Paste Template if You Broke the Rules

The first scenario appears when you broke the rules, and now you want to acknowledge your mistakes.

In this case, Facebook was right to ban your Page, but now you want to learn from your mistakes and get the page back.

Use the following Facebook Page Removal Template on the Oversight Board website – don’t forget to modify it to include your personal information:

Subject: Acknowledging Mistakes and Requesting Page Ban Reconsideration

Dear Facebook Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address a recent issue concerning my Facebook page, [Page Name]. I am fully aware that my actions violated Facebook’s community standards and policies, which resulted in the removal of my page.

I understand that Facebook’s policies are in place to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all users. 

My actions were not aligned with these principles, and I take full responsibility for the content that violated these guidelines. I deeply regret any harm or discomfort my actions may have caused to the community.

Since the removal of my page, I have taken the time to educate myself about Facebook’s community standards and guidelines. 

I am committed to using Facebook responsibly and respectfully, and I assure you that I will not repeat the mistakes that led to the removal of my page.

I kindly request that you consider lifting the ban on my page, [Page Name], so I can continue contributing positively to the platform. 

I am genuinely invested in making amends for my past actions and using this experience as an opportunity for personal growth and responsible online engagement.

I am open to any further guidance or actions that may be required to rectify the situation.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

2. Facebook Page Removal Copy & Paste Template if You Didn’t Break the Rules

So, what if Facebook removed your page, but you are completely sure that you did NOTHING wrong, then it’s time to send a message to the Facebook Support Team.

Use the following Facebook Page Removal Appeal Template only if you are certain that your page did not deserve to be removed:

Subject: Appeal for Reinstatement of Removed Facebook Page – No Violations

Dear Facebook Support Team,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the recent removal of my Facebook page, [Page Name]

I am confident that my page content adhered to all community standards, policies, and guidelines, and its removal appears to be a result of an unintended error.

Upon reviewing Facebook’s policies and guidelines, I can confirm that my page content did not violate any rules. It is my understanding that the removal may have been a mistake or a technical issue. 

I kindly request your prompt review and reinstatement of my Facebook page, [Page Name]

I am eager to continue contributing positively to the platform and engage with my followers. Your assistance in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention and understanding.

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Step 5: Wait for Facebook To Review Your Appeal

After submitting your appeal through the Oversight Board website, you’ll need to exercise patience as you wait for Facebook to review your appeal. 

The review process involves a careful examination of the arguments and evidence you’ve presented in your appeal. 

During this period, the content that you are appealing will remain unavailable to other users on the platform. 

The duration of this review can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the case and the current volume of appeals being processed.

However, it is safe to say that the review process can take from 5 days to 14 days – it depends, so be patient!

Step 6: Move Forward Into the Appealing Process

As Facebook reviews your appeal, stay engaged and prepared to provide any additional information or clarifications that might be requested during the review process. 

Depending on the outcome of the review, you might need to navigate further steps in the appeal process. 

If Facebook upholds the original decision, you might have the opportunity for further escalation or reevaluation. 

If the decision is in your favor and the content is restored, you can proceed with your online activities as usual.

It is necessary to be patient and to assist Facebook in every step of the process – otherwise, your Facebook Page will simply not be reinstated.

What Happens After Appealing Facebook Page Removal?

There are two possible outcomes after appealing Facebook Page removal: Facebook understands your case and reinstates the Page, or your appeal gets rejected, and your Page gets removed forever and ever.

In general, this is what you can expect after appealing Facebook Page removal:

  • Review Process: Facebook examines your appeal, considering your arguments and evidence presented through the Oversight Board website.
  • Content Status: While under review, the content remains inaccessible to others on the platform.
  • Outcome and Action: Depending on the review, the removal might be upheld or overturned. You may need to provide further information or engage in subsequent steps if necessary.

Facebook Won’t Approve My Page Appeal, What Do I Do?

Well, this could happen – we mentioned multiple times that your FB Page appeal could be rejected if you broke the rules too many times.

So, if Facebook is not approving your Page Removal appeal, then there are only three things left to do.

1. Wait a Bit Longer

If Facebook doesn’t reinstate your page after appealing, consider giving it a little more time.

Sometimes, the appeal process might take longer due to various factors, including the complexity of the case or the volume of appeals being reviewed. 

Allow Facebook the necessary time to conduct a thorough evaluation of your appeal. 

During this period, remain vigilant for any updates or communications from Facebook regarding your appeal status.

2. Create Another Facebook Page

If your appeal is not successful, you might want to explore the option of creating a new Facebook page.

Make sure that you adhere to Facebook’s guidelines and policies when setting up the new page to prevent facing similar issues in the future. 

Starting fresh might give you the opportunity to approach content creation and management differently, while keeping in mind the lessons learned from the previous page’s removal.

It will be hard to get your followers and content back, but these are the consequences of your actions!

3. Consider Another Social Media Platform

If you encounter persistent challenges with Facebook and your appeal has not yielded the desired outcome, it might be worth considering other social media platforms. 

Look at the bright side – diversifying your online presence across different platforms can help mitigate the impact of content removals on a single platform. 

Choose a platform that aligns with your content and audience, and ensure you familiarize yourself with its policies to avoid encountering similar issues.

Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are great social media platforms to kickstart a brand-new online adventure, so don’t give up.

Tech Recap: How to Submit Facebook Page Removal Appeal

Creating, growing, and maintaining a Facebook Page is not an easy task. But that’s precisely why you must take care of the page by following all Facebook Rules step by step.

Now, thanks to Mobile Wireless Trends, you are ready to submit a Facebook Page removal appeal to get your account back.

These are the main six steps to follow to appeal Facebook Page removal:

  • Step 1: Go to Your Facebook Support Inbox
  • Step 2: Select Your Alerts and Open Your Violations
  • Step 3: Check if the Page Removal Is Eligible for Appeal
  • Step 4: Submit Facebook Page Removal Appeal to the Oversight Board Website
  • Step 5: Wait for Facebook To Review Your Appeal
  • Step 6: Move Forward Into the Appealing Process

Techies Also Ask

Why Can’t I Create Another Facebook Page?

If you’re unable to create another Facebook page, it might be due to previous violations of Facebook’s policies on your account. 

Such violations could result in restrictions that prevent you from setting up new pages. It’s important to address any existing violations or restrictions on your account to regain the ability to create new Facebook pages.

How Long Does Facebook Page Removal Last?

The duration of a Facebook page removal typically lasts around 1 year. After this period, the records related to the removal, warnings, and restrictions on the account expire. However, this can change depending on how you move forward with the Facebook Page appeal.