How to Appeal TikTok Ban Age Restriction [Copy & Paste Example]

how to appeal TikTok ban age restriction

Let’s admit it – TikTok is one of the most fun and enjoyable social media platforms to discover great videos and highly engaging content!

Nowadays, millions of people browse TikTok every day, even if they are not 18 years or older.

But TikTok is pretty strict when it comes to letting minors use their platform, so they might impose an age restriction on your account even if you are not underage.

Mobile Wireless Trends will show you how to appeal TikTok ban age restriction by following seven steps and using a fool-proof ban appeal template.


Quick Tech Answer

To appeal TikTok age restriction, access the TikTok Appeal Website within the app. Complete the process by sharing your personal details and verifying your age through a selfie and identification. Optionally, opt for further confirmation using a credit card authorization or a photo involving a parent. After submitting the provided appeal template, proceed with the appeal procedure and patiently await a decision from TikTok’s moderation team.

Tech Shortcut

Why Does TikTok Restrict Accounts Based on Age?

TikTok is very clear in the terms of service when they say that only users 13 and older can use their platform.

Moreover, users between 16 and 17 years old get access to a limited version of the app.

But why does TikTok restrict accounts based on age? Let’s understand the thought process behind TikTok’s decision based on the following three factors.


1. Underage User Safety

TikTok restricts accounts based on age primarily to prioritize the safety and well-being of underage users. 

Younger users might be less equipped to navigate potential risks and inappropriate interactions on the platform. 

By imposing age restrictions, TikTok aims to provide a more controlled environment for children and teenagers, where they are less likely to be exposed to harmful content or interactions. 

They might prevent users from using direct messages (which causes the TikTok DMs not showing error) or soft-ban them (TikTok search ban) without further notice.

This aligns with broader child protection laws and guidelines that require online platforms to take measures to safeguard minors from potential harm.


2. Protect Users from Explicit Content

Age-appropriate content is a crucial consideration for TikTok. By restricting accounts based on age, the platform can better regulate the type of content that users are exposed to. 

Explicit, graphic, or mature content might not be suitable for younger users, and age restrictions help mitigate the chances of them encountering such content. 

This strategy not only enhances the user experience but also aligns with TikTok’s commitment to maintaining a positive and respectful online community.

So, if you are thinking about becoming a TikTok Live Moderator, then it is important to know that explicit content is entirely forbidden on the TikTok platform.


3. Data Privacy Concerns

For younger users, understanding the implications of sharing personal information online might be limited. 

Age restrictions play a role in protecting the data privacy of minors. By imposing age limits, TikTok can take measures to limit the collection and use of personal data from underage users.

This helps prevent situations where children and teenagers inadvertently share sensitive information that could potentially be exploited or misused. 

Age-based restrictions also allow TikTok to adhere to regulations surrounding data protection and privacy, particularly when dealing with users who may not fully comprehend these concepts.


How Do I Contact TikTok to Appeal a Ban?

There are two main ways to get in touch with TikTok’s Support


1. TikTok App for Mobile Devices

In the TikTok app, go to your profile page, and then tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner to access the menu. From there, select “Settings and Privacy,” then “Report a Problem.” 

Choose the option that best describes your situation, such as “Account Issue” or “Login and Security.” Follow the prompts to submit your appeal request. This option is more accessible if you’re using a mobile device.


2. TikTok Desktop Help Center

Visit TikTok’s official website and navigate to the Help Center section. Look for the option to “Submit a Request” or “Contact Support.” 

Select the appropriate category for your issue, which in this case would be “Account and Login.” Provide details about your ban and the reasons for your appeal. This option might be more convenient if you prefer using a computer.

The TikTok Support Team can help you solve certain bugs (such as TikTok Just Watched Not Working) and problems, but in this case, the best way to appeal a ban age restriction is to do so via the TikTok mobile app for iOS and Android devices.


How Can I Change Age Restriction on TikTok?

The process of changing the age restriction on TikTok involves verifying your age with TikTok’s support. 

This verification process is the only official way to update your age on the platform, and there are no alternative methods or tricks to accomplish this. 

This means that the only way to change your age on TikTok (or to lift the ban restriction) is by contacting TikTok’s Support Team.

TikTok’s support team will guide you through the necessary steps to provide the required information for age verification, ensuring that your account reflects the accurate age category.


How to Appeal TikTok Ban Age Restriction: 7 Steps

As mentioned before, the only way to submit underage appeals on TikTok is by getting in touch with TikTok’s Support Team.

I know this can be a bit intimidating, but I’ll show you how to do it easily.

If you have been age-restricted on TikTok, then follow these 7 steps to learn how to appeal TikTok ban age restriction successfully. 



7 Steps to Appeal TikTok Ban Age Restriction



Step 1: Go to the TikTok Appeal Website via the App

Start by logging into your TikTok account via the app. All the ban and restriction messages appear on the TikTok application for iPhone and Android phones, so open it.

Then, navigate to the Notifications Tab, and open the Appeal button by tapping on it.


Step 2: Submit Your Personal Information

After opening the Appeal section on the app, TikTok will ask you to submit your personal information.

This includes your full name, address, phone number, and so on.

Clearly, you MUST be an adult to complete this process – if you are still underage, this whole process won’t work at all.


Step 3: Confirm Your Age on TikTok (Selfie With ID)

There are two main ways to confirm your age on TikTok: Selfie with ID (if you are 18 years old or older) or a photo with a guardian (if you are between 13 and 17 years old).

For the selfie with ID verification on TikTok, you need to provide an image of your government-issued ID along with a selfie where you’re holding both the same ID and a piece of paper with a unique code provided during the appeal process, ensuring any sensitive ID details are appropriately covered.

For users aged between 13-17, appealing through a photo with a parent/guardian involves submitting a photo with a trusted adult over 25 years old. 

Both faces must be clearly visible, and the adult must hold a paper with your TikTok proof of age, your birth date, and a unique code given during the appeal process.


Step 4: (Optional) Confirm Age With Credit Card Authorization or Photo With Parent

There are two other optional ways to confirm your age on TikTok: credit card authorization, or facial age estimation.

For credit card authorization (if aged 18 and over), submit your credit card details, and a temporary charge will be made to verify your card’s authenticity. 

Any charges incurred will be refunded, and providing your email address is necessary for communication regarding the appeal.

Now, in the case of facial age estimation (if aged 18 and over), appeal by submitting a real-time selfie. 

Your selfie will be sent to a third-party age estimation service for analysis using facial recognition technology. 

The service estimates your age based on facial features, shares the result with TikTok, and then deletes your selfie. 

I really don’t recommend facial age estimation as the process can take way longer than expected, and TikTok might face – I looked 17 years old when I was 23, so that thing would not have worked for me, definitely!


Step 5: Submit TikTok Age Ban Appeal Copy and Paste Template

After submitting your information, TikTok will ask you for more details to process the appeal.

Keep in mind that the TikTok Support Team receives thousands of appeals every day, and most of them are false appeals, which never get approved.

So, if you want to increase your chances of getting the TikTok age restriction lifted, then use the following copy-and-paste contact template:

Hello TikTok Support,

I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing to address an issue with my account that has been age-restricted, even though I am clearly above 18 years old. 

I followed the age verification process diligently by submitting a real-time selfie and valid identification, and I believe my case merits a review for the following reasons:

  • I successfully completed the age verification process using the method provided in the app.
  • My submitted documents clearly validate that I am 18 years of age or older.
  • I have been an active and responsible user on TikTok, abiding by the community guidelines and contributing positively to the platform.

Considering that I’ve adhered to the age verification method and am of legal age, I  request that the age restriction be lifted from my account. 

Your prompt assistance in resolving this matter would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention and understanding.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your TikTok Username]

Step 6: Continue the TikTok Age Ban Appeal Process

After submitting the template, TikTok might or might not ask you for more information.

In this stage of the process, it is crucial to check your TikTok notifications and emails so you can proceed accordingly.

Sometimes, TikTok will take more than expected to make a decision, so be patient.

Step 7: Wait for TikTok Moderation Team Decision

The TikTok moderation Team will review your case and come up with a decision.

They might need more info, or they might as well decline your age restriction appeal if they find out that something is not right on the appeal.

This stage of the process requires patience and collaboration, so, in the meantime, go and check some Instagram Reels!

How Long Does TikTok Age Appeal Take?

In general, the TikTok Age Ban Appeal Process takes from 3 to 7 days, but it can be longer.

These are the average durations of the appeal process based on the potential outcome.

1. If You Submitted Proof of Age Correctly – From 3 to 5 Days

If you’ve correctly submitted the required proof of age during the age appeal process on TikTok, the review and verification process typically take around 3 to 5 days

This duration allows TikTok’s support team to verify the information you provided and update your account’s age restriction status accordingly.

2. If TikTok Needs More Info to Confirm Your Age – From 5 to 7 days

In some cases, TikTok might require additional information or documentation to confirm your age. 

If this is the situation, the age appeal process might take a bit longer, usually ranging from 5 to 7 days. 

This extended timeframe accounts for the additional steps involved in collecting and verifying the supplementary information provided by the user.

3. If TikTok Can’t Confirm Your Age – Never!

If TikTok is unable to confirm your age based on the information provided, the age appeal might not be successful. 

In this case, your age restriction on TikTok would remain unchanged. However, it’s important to note that TikTok does have mechanisms to prevent users from misrepresenting their age, as this is tied to safety and content appropriateness.

 While it’s not actually a matter of “never,” it might not be possible to alter the age restriction if the verification process cannot confirm your actual age.

Does TikTok Facial Age Estimation Appeal Work?

The effectiveness of the facial age estimation appeal on TikTok can vary. In my opinion, I don’t recommend using TikTok’s Facial Age Estimation to appeal to your age.

While the technology behind facial age estimation has advanced, it’s not foolproof.

Factors such as lighting, camera quality, facial expressions, and individual variations can influence the accuracy of the age estimate. 

Therefore, the appeal might work well for some users whose facial features are clear and fit typical age patterns, while others might find it less accurate. 

What Happens After Appealing TikTok Ban Age Restriction?

There are three different scenarios that will take place right after appealing TikTok ban age restriction.

Scenario 1: Successful Age Verification – Ban Age Restriction Lifted!

If your appeal for age verification is successful and the provided documentation or selfie is accepted, TikTok will update your account’s age restriction accordingly

This means you’ll gain access to features and content appropriate for your verified age group. You’ll be able to engage with a wider range of content while still adhering to TikTok’s guidelines and policies.

Scenario 2: Unsuccessful Age Verification – Create Another TikTok Account!

In some cases, TikTok might not be able to verify your age successfully due to insufficient or inconclusive documentation or facial recognition results. 

If this occurs, your account’s age restriction will remain unchanged. You might still have access to features within the age group your account was initially assigned. 

I recommend you create a brand new TikTok account, but this time, make sure to type in the right age.

Scenario 3: Further Review Required – Be Patient and Collaborative 

There might be instances where TikTok’s review of your age verification is inconclusive or requires additional examination. 

This could lead to a more in-depth review process, during which TikTok might contact you for more information or clarification. 

This extended review might result in either successful age verification or an unchanged age restriction, depending on the outcome of the additional investigation.

Tech Recap: How To Submit TikTok Age Ban Appeal

Appealing TikTok age restrictions is not always easy – TikTok works really hard to keep a safe environment for underage users, so if you want to use the platform to its fullest, it is always important to type in the correct age.

Mobile Wireless Trends brings you weekly TikTok guides (how to stop TikTok from pausing music), so don’t hesitate to check them out!

These are the main seven steps to follow to appeal TikTok ban age restriction via the mobile app:

  • Step 1: Go to the TikTok Appeal Website via the App
  • Step 2: Submit Your Personal Information
  • Step 3: Confirm Your Age on TikTok (Selfie With ID)
  • Step 4: (Optional) Confirm Age With Credit Card Authorization or Photo With Parent
  • Step 5: Submit TikTok Age Ban Appeal Copy and Paste Template
  • Step 6: Continue the TikTok Age Ban Appeal Process
  • Step 7: Wait for TikTok Moderation Team Decision

Techies Also Ask

How Old Do You Have To Be To Use TikTok?

You should be at least 13 years old to use TikTok according to their terms of service. It’s the minimum age requirement set by TikTok to create an account and access the platform. If you’re younger, you might want to explore more age-appropriate platforms.

Why Does My TikTok Say Age Restricted?

If your TikTok is marked as age-restricted, it’s likely due to your age not meeting the platform’s content guidelines. This is to make sure you’re exposed to appropriate content based on your age.