How to Appeal TikTok Permanent Ban [Copy & Paste Template]

how to appeal TikTok permanent ban

TikTok, like all other social media platforms out there, has its own set of rules that all users must follow.

Failing to comply with TikTok rules over and over again will lead you to a consequence that you may want to avoid: a permanent TikTok ban.

Now, I know that a “permanent” TikTok ban sounds really drastic, so is there a way to appeal a permanent ban on this platform?

You bet there is, but it’s going to be a bit tricky. In this original Mobile Wireless Trends guide, we are going to show you how to appeal TikTok permanent ban easily and efficiently by following 7 steps.


Quick Tech Answer

To appeal a TikTok permanent ban, first log into your banned account, then open the ban notification and select “Appeal.” Use the Mobile Wireless Trends’ appeal template and provide additional details. Submit the appeal, patiently wait for TikTok’s decision, and collaborate with their moderation team if necessary while awaiting their final decision. Read below to learn how to complete the appeal process. 

Tech Shortcut

Can a Permanent Ban Be Lifted on TikTok?

Yes, it is possible for a permanent ban on TikTok to be lifted, but the process can be challenging, and success is not guaranteed. 

TikTok typically issues permanent bans for severe violations of its community guidelines or terms of service

So, when you are temporarily banned from TikTok, you’ll start to notice some limitations while using the app (such as TikTok DM failed to send errors).

However, after getting permanently banned, it will be utterly impossible to use TikTok until you appeal the ban.

A while ago, Dexerto reported that thousands of TikTok users were getting permanently banned without an apparent reason.

Thankfully, TikTok noticed their mistake and started to unban these accounts.

False-positive permanent bans are not uncommon on social media platforms, so there’s a shy spark of hope to recover your permanently banned TikTok account if you do things right.

Why Did I Get Permanently Banned From TikTok?

TikTok takes account safety very seriously – the vast majority of TikTokers are still young users, which creates the need to provide a safe environment for them.

So, what’s the cause behind your permanent TikTok ban? Let’s take a look at the three most common reasons.

1. Violating Community Guidelines

As I mentioned above, TikTok has established community guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all users. 

When users engage in behaviors that violate these guidelines, it can create a negative experience for others. 

Permanent bans are issued to deter and remove individuals who consistently engage in activities that go against these rules. 

Likewise, watch out for TikTok ban age restrictions as your account can get limited for being underage.

2. Intellectual Property Infringement

TikTok takes intellectual property rights seriously. When users post content that includes copyrighted music, videos, or other protected material without the necessary permissions or licenses, it infringes on the rights of the original creators. 

Permanent bans for intellectual property infringement are in place to protect the interests of creators and copyright holders. 

By doing so, TikTok maintains a legal and ethical platform where content creators can be rewarded for their work.

3. Impersonation, Spam, or Fake TikTok Accounts

Impersonation, spamming, and fake accounts can negatively impact the user experience on TikTok. 

Impersonation can mislead users into thinking they are interacting with someone else, causing confusion and potential harm. 

Spamming disrupts the platform by inundating users with unwanted content. Fake accounts can be used for deceptive purposes and often violate TikTok’s authenticity standards. 

Permanent bans are enforced to discourage these behaviors and ensure that users can trust the identity and content they encounter on the platform.

That’s why there are TikTok DM limits – to protect other users from potential spammy links.

Moreover, you can learn how to report TikTok account for impersonation by following the steps in our original guide.

How Do I Contact TikTok To Get My Banned Account Back?

The only way to get your permanently banned TikTok account back is by getting in touch with TikTok’s Support Team.

The TikTok Moderation Team is in charge of managing ban appeals, but keep in mind that they receive thousands of void appeals every day, which creates the need to stand out.

Follow these seven steps to learn how to appeal TikTok permanent ban successfully by using our copy-and-paste examples.


7 Steps to Appeal TikTok Permanent Ban

Step 1: Log into Your Banned TikTok Account

Start by logging into your banned TikTok profile. Clearly, you’ll be unable to use the app features, so simply open the app on your Android or iPhone, and log in using your credentials.

You will see a message indicating that you have been permanently banned from the platform.

Step 2: Open TikTok Ban Notification and Select “Appeal”

After opening your account, you will have a few options at hand. Go to the Notification tab, and review the option that says you are banned.

Here, select the “Appeal” button, and move on with the following step.

It is worth noting that you may need to complete this process via the TikTok Support Website in case your account is not opening on the app.

Step 3: Use Mobile Wireless Trends’ TikTok Permanent Ban Appeal Template

TikTok will ask you for a few details regarding the appeal process.

Now, there are two possible paths to follow here: you either broke the rules, or you didn’t.

Thus, we have crafted two different copy-and-paste examples for each scenario. Check out the TikTok permanent ban appeal templates below and choose the one that fits your needs.

1. TikTok Permanent Ban Appeal Example if You Broke the Rules

If you broke TikTok’s rules, then you might deserve to be banned, but TikTok can help you recover your account if you know how to complete the appeal process.

Therefore, modify your personal information into the following TikTok permanent ban appeal template if you did break TikTok’s Policies:

Dear TikTok Moderation Team,

I am writing to appeal the permanent ban on my TikTok account, [@YourUsername], which I understand was implemented due to violations of TikTok’s community guidelines. I want to express my sincere regret for my actions and acknowledge my mistakes.

I fully recognize that I have breached the platform’s rules and guidelines, and I take full responsibility for my behavior.

Since the ban, I have taken the time to educate myself about TikTok’s guidelines and have familiarized myself with the platform’s policies. 

I am committed to following these rules diligently in the future to ensure a positive experience for all TikTok users.

I kindly request a second chance and the opportunity to rectify my actions. I am genuinely passionate about the TikTok community and would like to continue creating and sharing content within the boundaries of TikTok’s guidelines.

Please consider reinstating my account so that I can demonstrate my commitment to following the rules and making TikTok a safe and enjoyable place for everyone.

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


[Your Name]

[Your TikTok Username]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Contact Information]

2. TikTok Permanent Ban Appeal Template if You Didn’t Break the Rules

Now we have the second scenario: you are 100% sure that you did nothing wrong, and still, got permanently banned from TikTok.

This is far more common than you might think. In this case, use the following TikTok permanent ban appeal template example:

Dear TikTok Moderation Team,

I am writing to appeal the permanent ban on my TikTok account, [@YourUsername]. I believe there has been a misunderstanding or error, as I am confident that I did not violate TikTok’s community guidelines in any way.

I have always strived to create content that adheres to TikTok’s rules and regulations, and I have been an active and responsible member of the TikTok community. 

Therefore, I was both surprised and disappointed to learn that my account had been permanently banned.

I request a thorough review of my account and any associated content that may have led to this ban. 

I am confident that upon review, it will become evident that there has been no breach of TikTok’s guidelines from my end.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your TikTok Username]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Contact Information]

Step 4: Add More Details to Your TikTok Ban Appeal

To increase your success chances, it is advisable to add more context to your appeal.

This can be information with dates, content you’ve uploaded, comments you’ve made, or screenshots that demonstrate why you should be unbanned.

Include as many details as possible and make your appeal as personalized as you can.

Step 5: Submit the Appeal and Wait Patiently

It’s time to submit the appeal – tap the Submit button, and wait.

There’s nothing you can do here other than wait for a while (typically between 3 and 7 business days).

Step 6: Collaborate with TikTok’s Moderation Team

The TikTok Moderation Team will most likely come back to you to ask you more questions.

If you break the rules, but they still want to unban you, then they will ask you for more details.

If you didn’t break the rules, then the Moderation Team might ask you for proof. 

Either way, be collaborative and supportive with the TikTok team as required.

Step 7: Wait for TikTok’s Moderation Team Decision

It’s time to get the decision – after 3 to 7 days (although it can be more), you will get an email informing you about the decision of the TikTok Moderation Team.

The answer can either be positive or negative. At this point, you will know whether your TikTok permanent ban appeal was successful or not.

How Long Does TikTok Permanent Ban Appeal Process Last?

The duration of the TikTok permanent ban appeal process can vary significantly based on several factors. 

In general, I could say that the entire TikTok permanent ban appeal process lasts from 5 to 15 days, but it can be just 3 days if they make a mistake.

There are a few factors that affect the duration of the TikTok ban appeal process:

1. Case Complexity: The complexity of your case can impact how long it takes for TikTok to review your appeal. If your situation involves multiple violations, disputes, or a need for extensive investigation, it may take longer.

2. Appeal Volume: TikTok’s support team may experience fluctuations in the volume of appeals. During periods of high appeal submissions, it might take longer to process cases. Conversely, during quieter times, responses may be faster.

3. Evidence Provided: The completeness and quality of the evidence you provide in your appeal can also affect the timeline. If your evidence is clear and supports your case, TikTok may be able to make a quicker decision.

4. Communication: If you need to engage in back-and-forth communication with TikTok’s support team to provide additional information or clarify details, this can extend the timeline.

5. Policy Changes: TikTok’s policies and procedures may change over time, and these changes can impact the appeal process. Be sure to refer to the most up-to-date information on their website.

What Happens After Appealing TikTok Permanent Ban?

So, what happens after appealing a TikTok permanent ban?

There are three possible scenarios that can take place right after submitting your TikTok ban appeal.

Scenario #1: TikTok Unbans Your Account

If TikTok reviews your appeal and finds it valid, they may choose to lift the permanent ban on your account. In this case:

Reinstatement: TikTok will typically reinstate your account, allowing you to log in, create content, and engage with the platform as before.

  • Notification: You will likely receive a notification or email confirming that your account has been unbanned. TikTok may also provide guidance on any actions you need to take to prevent future violations.
  • Content Status: Any content that was removed as a result of the ban may be restored, and your profile, followers, and engagement metrics should return to normal.
  • Responsibility: It’s essential to ensure that you continue to follow TikTok’s community guidelines and terms of service to avoid future bans. Being mindful of these rules will help you maintain your account’s good standing.

Scenario #2: TikTok Needs More Information Before Proceeding

Sometimes, TikTok may need additional information or clarification before they can make a decision regarding your appeal. In this scenario:

  • Communication: TikTok’s support team may reach out to you through the app or via email to request more details or evidence related to your case.
  • Response: It’s crucial to respond promptly and provide the requested information as accurately as possible. Failure to do so could prolong the appeal process.
  • Review: TikTok will review the additional information you provide and make a decision based on the updated details. The timeline for resolution may depend on how quickly you respond.

Scenario #3: Your TikTok Account Remains Permanently Banned

In some cases, TikTok may review your appeal and choose to uphold the permanent ban. In this scenario:

  • Notification: TikTok will inform you of their decision to maintain the permanent ban on your account through a notification or email.
  • Final Decision: TikTok’s decision is typically considered final, and your account will remain banned permanently. You won’t be able to access the platform using that account or create new content.

Why Can’t I Unban a Permanently Banned TikTok Account?

As I have constantly mentioned throughout this article, it is possible for TikTok not to unban your permanently banned profile even if you submit an appeal.

This mainly happens due to two reasons.

1. You Severely Broke TikTok Rules

If you have committed severe violations of TikTok’s community guidelines or terms of service, such as engaging in harmful, abusive, or illegal activities on the platform, TikTok may impose a permanent ban as a strict measure. 

In cases of severe rule-breaking, attempting to unban the account may not be possible due to the gravity of the offenses. 

TikTok takes the enforcement of its policies seriously and uses permanent bans to deter repeat offenders.

If your account falls into this category, you may need to accept the consequences and move on.

2. You Couldn’t Provide Enough Evidence to Get Unbanned from TikTok

When appealing a permanent ban, TikTok often requires users to provide evidence supporting their case and demonstrating their compliance with TikTok’s rules. 

If you couldn’t provide sufficient evidence to prove your innocence or show that the ban was unjust, TikTok will be unable to reverse the ban.

TikTok’s review process relies on evidence to make fair and informed decisions. If your evidence is incomplete, unclear, or doesn’t adequately address the reason for the ban, TikTok may not have the necessary grounds to unban your account.

It’s important to understand that TikTok’s decisions regarding permanent bans are typically final. 

What Happens if I Create a New TikTok Account After Being Banned?

There are two things that could happen if you create a new TikTok account after being banned: nothing happens, and you continue to use the platform without problems; or TikTok blocks your newly created account.

For example, this Reddit user (Redditor) was unable to create a new account after getting permanently banned.

TikTok’s policies prohibit users from circumventing a ban by creating new accounts, and the platform actively monitors for such activities.

This gives us three possible scenarios:

1. Detection: TikTok employs various mechanisms to detect users who attempt to evade permanent bans by creating new accounts. They may use algorithms, IP tracking, device recognition, and other methods to identify banned users.

2. Ban Extension: When TikTok identifies a user attempting to create a new account after a ban, they are likely to extend the ban to the new account. This can result in a permanent ban on the new account as well.

3. Nothing Happens: If TikTok just doesn’t care about your new account, then go for it – create a new profile, and start to use TikTok once again.

Tech Recap: How to Submit TikTok Permanent Ban Appeal

Facing TikTok’s banhammer is not always a straightforward task.

Sometimes, you might fail to convince the moderation team to lift the permanent ban, but at least we tried.

Either way, if you submit an elaborate, credible, and educated ban appeal, TikTok may indeed unban you, which will help you recover your banned TikTok account.

These are the seven steps to follow to submit a TikTok permanent ban appeal:

  • Step 1: Log into Your Banned TikTok Account
  • Step 2: Open TikTok Ban Notification and Select “Appeal”
  • Step 3: Use Mobile Wireless Trends’ TikTok Permanent Ban Appeal Template
  • Step 4: Add More Details to Your TikTok Ban Appeal
  • Step 5: Submit the Appeal and Wait Patiently
  • Step 6: Collaborate with TikTok’s Moderation Team
  • Step 7: Wait for TikTok’s Moderation Team Decision

Techies Also Ask

How Many Reports To Get Banned on TikTok?

TikTok doesn’t have a specific number of reports that trigger an automatic ban. The platform’s moderation system considers various factors, including the severity of the reported violations and the context in which they occur. 

However, it’s generally believed that an account that receives a significant number of reports, often exceeding 10 or more, may be subject to closer scrutiny by TikTok’s moderation team.

Can I Get IP Banned on TikTok?

Yes, TikTok has the capability to issue IP bans in addition to account bans. 

An IP ban means that not only is your TikTok account banned, but the IP address associated with your device or network is also restricted from accessing TikTok. 

IP bans are typically used for more severe violations of TikTok’s community guidelines and terms of service or in cases of repeated misconduct.