This How to Delete a Tweet Reply From Someone Else [2024]

how to delete a Tweet reply from someone else

It’s a fact—everyone is on Twitter, even those who might not agree with your opinions or like what you tweet.

Now, here’s the honest truth: you cannot delete tweets that were not posted by you. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t clever workarounds to remove tweet replies from other users. Mobile Wireless Trends is here to guide you through these methods.

In this guide, discover updated 2024 methods on how to delete a tweet reply from someone else. 

Quick Tech Answer

You cannot directly delete a Tweet from someone else, but there are five things that you can do to minimize their replies: hide the Tweet reply, untag yourself from the Twitter conversation, mute or block the user, and report the Tweet reply so Twitter Support can delete the Tweet for you.

Tech Shortcut

Can You Delete Replies to Your Tweets?

You cannot directly delete replies to your Tweets, but there are many different things that you can do in order to get rid of unfortunate replies to your Twitter content.

Since other users are the ones posting the replies, there is no way for you to delete them unless you have access to their Twitter profiles, which is highly unlikely.

However, there are some tools and features that, if used cleverly, can help you delete or hide replies to your Tweet.


What Happens When You Delete a Reply on Twitter?

When you delete a reply on Twitter posted by yourself, no one will have access to the deleted Tweet.

Nonetheless, if people have quoted that Tweet, then their replies will appear under the Tweet with a message that says, “This Tweet is unavailable” or “This Tweet was deleted by the Tweet author.”

tweet deleted by the author


You can learn more about deleted Tweets by checking Twitter Policy here.


5 Ways to Delete Someone’s Reply to Your Tweet 

Let’s remember the fact that it is not possible to entirely delete someone’s reply to your Tweet.

However, there are five great options that can help you get rid of replies from other Twitter users, so read further to learn how to delete a Tweet reply from someone else promptly.


delete tweets from someone else


1. Hide the Reply Tweet

According to Twitter, Tweet authors have the option to hide replies to their Tweets.

The Hide Reply Feature on Twitter is a great way to “soft delete” replies to your Tweets. In order to hide a reply Tweet, do the following:

  1. Locate the Tweet that you want to hide and tap or click the three-dots icon.
  2. Select Hide Reply and confirm your decision.
  3. You can view the hidden replies by scrolling down until you find the Hidden Icon.

What Happens When You Hide Reply on Twitter?

When you hide a reply on Twitter, the reply will appear at the bottom of all the replies under the “Hidden Reply” menu.

Anyone can see the Tweet if they tap the Hidden Reply icon, though, but they need to manually do it in order to see the reply.

What’s more, the author of the hidden reply will not know that you hid their Tweets, so this is a great alternative if you want to reduce the visibility of certain Tweets.


2. Use Twitter Unmention Feature

Twitter has started rolling out a new “Unmetion Feature” that lets you get out of conversations easily.

This way, if you have been tagged to a conversation that you don’t want to be part of, you can leave it by using this newly added feature that is not fully available to everyone yet.


How to Untag From a Conversation on Twitter

In order to untag yourself from Twitter conversations, do the following:

  1. Open Twitter, go to Notifications, and then open Mentions.
  2. Find the conversation you want to leave, and open it.
  3. Press or click the three-dot icon, and select “Leave this conversation.”
  4. From now on, your username will be hidden from the conversation, and all the replies from the Twitter thread will now go away.

3. Report the Twitter Reply

Did someone make a Twitter reply that was harmful to you? You can report it if you want.

On Twitter, you can report pretty much anything (learn how to report a hashtag on Twitter here!).

So, if you received a really bad reply to a Tweet, you can report it to Twitter Support for them to review the reply and potentially delete it. This is how you do it:

  1. Open Twitter and locate the Twitter Reply that you want to report.
  2. Press or click the three-dots icon and select Report Tweet.
  3. Mark the Tweet as offensive content and offer Twitter Support more context.
  4. Submit the report and wait for Twitter to review the reply.
  5. After a while, if the reply truly harms you, Twitter will delete the Twitter reply for you.

Keep in mind that you might need more than one report for Twitter to turn their eyes to the harmful reply, which is unfortunate, but that’s how things usually work on social media platforms.


4. Mute the Twitter User

If you can’t do anything against their replies, then mute them. Muting Twitter users is a great way to get them out of your sight without fully blocking them.

This will hide all their replies and prevent you from encountering them on the platform again. This is how you mute someone on Twitter:

  1. Log in to your Twitter account and go to the user of the profile you want to mute.
  2. Select the three-dots icon and tap “Mute User.”
  3. The user will be muted on your Twitter account. From now on, all their replies will be hidden, and they will not know that you have muted them. 

5. Block the Twitter User

Lastly, another great way to deal with unfortunate Twitter replies is by blocking the Twitter user. 

You can block Twitter users by selecting the three-dot icon on their profile and tapping on “Block User.”

From that moment on, they will not be able to access or interact with your profile ever again. This means that making a reply to your Tweets will be totally impossible for them.


Does Blocking Someone on Twitter Delete Their Comments?

No, blocking another Twitter user does not delete their comments, but at least helps you get rid of all the notifications related to that account on your profile.

Besides, they will not be able to interact with your profile anymore. Other accounts might still see their replies, but don’t worry about that – just ignore them and move on with your life.


Tech Recap: How to Delete a Tweet From Someone Else

Deleting a tweet from someone else isn’t as straightforward as you might think. However, by following the methods outlined in this guide, you can take steps to minimize, mute, or even make their replies less prominent with the assistance of Twitter support.

Whenever you find yourself wanting to eliminate annoying Twitter replies, these steps will come in handy. And for more Twitter content, turn to our experts at Mobile Wireless Trends—they’re here to assist you!



Techies Also Ask

If I Delete a Tweet, Will the Reply Be Deleted?

No, if you delete a Tweet, the replies will not be deleted. They will be there, but they will be linked to a message that says that the Tweet has been deleted.