Let’s Get Someone Ratioed – How to Make a Twitter Ratio

How to Make a Twitter Ratio

Getting “ratioed” on Twitter isn’t something most users aim for. It often suggests that a tweet isn’t receiving as much positive engagement compared to the number of replies it generates. In essence, it implies that the responses to a tweet outweigh its original impact in terms of relevance or popularity.

If you’re interested in learning how to “ratio” someone or seeking vengeance after being “ratioed,” this guide will show you how to easily create a Twitter ratio.

Quick Tech Answer

In order to make a successful Twitter Ratio, you must spot an unpopular enough Tweet, think about a clever reply, Tweet it on your account, and wait for the audience to support you.

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What Is a Twitter Ratio?

A Twitter ratio happens when the replies to a Tweet are greater than the overall number of likes and retweets that Tweet got.

The more people reply to a Tweet, the more likely are the masses to show their discomfort about certain opinions. 

Let’s take a look at this example: someone makes a Tweet that says, “I believe cats are better than dogs.”

Then, that person receives 40 Tweet likes and 160 Tweet Replies from people who are not on board with their ideas. That’s a Twitter Ratio. You can often see Twitter Rations on your recommendations because they get a lot of replies and get boosted by Twitter’s algorithm (learn How to Block Twitter Recommendations here).

Twitter Ratio’d Meaning

“To ratio” a Tweet, or to get someone “ratioed” on Twitter has a different but pretty similar meme.

According to KnowYourMeme, a Tweet gets ratioed when a reply to a Tweet has more likes or retweets than the original Tweet.

In general, this means that more people agree with the opinions of the “replier” rather than the opinion of the original poster of the Tweet.

Check out this Twitter ratio example: someone makes a Tweet where they say that “iPhone is better than Android.”

Then, someone replies to that Tweet with the following phrase: “At least I don’t have to charge my Android phone battery every two hours.”

The original Tweet gets 50 likes, and the reply gets 200 likes. The original Tweet has just been ratio’d!

How to Ratio a Tweet on Twitter

Making a Twitter ratio is not easy – you need to be clever and find a smart way to appeal to the audience.

Sometimes, when the original Tweet is truly controversial, people can just comment “Ratio,” and others will like that Tweet just for the sake of creating an “organic ratio.”

But this doesn’t always happen. We must say that making ratio to a Tweet is not an exact science, but these are the steps you need to follow if you want to have a chance at making Tweet ratios.

Step 1: Gather a Twitter Community (Optional)

Your Twitter ratio has more chances to succeed if you have a big following or community to support you.

Creating a Twitter community is really hard, but if you are consistent enough and have good ideas, then your Twitter profile will organically grow. 

This is not always 100% necessary – I’m sure that you have seen Tweets getting ratioed by accounts with no followers!

Step 2: Think About a Clever Tweet 

You need to find a controversial Tweet that you can ratio. Try to find something that you personally don’t agree with.

Then, here comes the hardest part: think about a clever comeback to the main Tweet.

This part is hard, and it fully depends on the context of the Tweet. Give it some thought, and carefully analyze your chances of making a successful ratio.

Step 3: Post the Tweet Reply and Hope for the Best!

Post the Tweet Reply to the original Tweet – just make sure that you are not Reply Deboosted on Twitter!

Then, wait for others to like and retweet your Tweet over the original one. 

You can tag certain accounts that you know will support your ideas. It won’t be easy, but we all know that ratio’eing a Tweet feels awesome!

How to Avoid a Ratio on Twitter

There are three main pieces of advice that we can give you to avoid a Twitter ratio:

1. Don’t Be Controversial: you don’t always need to give your opinions on all topics and discussions on Twitter.

2. Don’t Mess with Big Followings and Fan Bases: if you mess with the wrong fan base, you will probably get ratio’d pretty soon.

3. Avoid Getting into Discussions with Big Accounts: even if you are right in your argument, we suggest that you avoid fighting or getting into discussions against big accounts. Their followers will support them at all times, which can result in your Tweets getting ratioed.

How to Counter a Ratio on Twitter

Countering a ratio Tweet is a milestone that not many Twitter users can achieve. To counter a Twitter ratio, you must think about a comeback that’s even more clever than the Tweet that has ratioed you.

It seems almost impossible, we know it. You could also opt to delete the original Tweet, or simply ignore it and move on with your life – it is up to you.

Tech Recap: How to Make a Twitter Ratio

Crafting a Twitter ratio isn’t an exact formula—sometimes it clicks, and other times, it just doesn’t.

Keep in mind that Twitter ratios thrive within the community. So, before you try to create a ratio, make sure your viewpoint resonates with the majority.

When it comes to engaging in this kind of Twitter interaction, think about witty tweets and clever comebacks. With a bit of creativity, you’ll soon become the Twitter Ratio King or Queen! For more uniquely crafted Twitter guides, explore them right here at Mobile Wireless Trends.

Techies Also Ask

Is Getting Ratioed Bad on Twitter?

Most times yes, getting ratioed is bad on Twitter. It means that others do not agree with your points of view and are willing to let you know. 

How Do I Know if My Tweet Is Ratioed?

You can know if your Tweet is ratioed if it has more replies than likes or retweets, or if a single Twitter reply has more likes than your overall number of likes/retweets.