How to Report Impersonation on Instagram [Personal & Brand]

how to report impersonation on Instagram

Social media impersonation is a serious problem that thousands of people experience every day.

Instagram is one of the most used social networks around, and with so many users logging into the app every day, keeping track of everything that happens on the platform is a real challenge for Instagram.

That’s why it is always necessary to learn how to report impersonation on Instagram to successfully tackle this problem.

This guide shows you all you must know about reporting Instagram impersonation in 2023 (with examples).


Quick Tech Answer

You can report impersonation on Instagram by accessing Instagram Help Center, selecting “Submit Impersonation Report,” adding all the details of the impersonation report, and using our Instagram Impersonation Report Template Example. We show you how to report both personal and brand Instagram impersonation below.

Tech Shortcut

What Is Instagram Impersonation?

Instagram impersonation is the act of creating an account on Instagram with the intent to deceive others by pretending to be someone else. 

This involves assuming the identity of another individual, such as a celebrity, public figure, or even a regular user, without their consent. The impersonator may use a similar username, profile picture, and content to mimic the person they are impersonating. 

The purpose of Instagram impersonation varies, ranging from harmless parody or fan accounts to more malicious intentions such as fraud, harassment, or spreading false information. Clearly, impersonation is highly against the terms of service of the Instagram platform.


Instagram Rules on Reporting Impersonation in 2023

Instagram has its own set of rules against impersonation on the platform. In order to make things easier for you, we have gathered the three most important things to know about reporting impersonation on Instagram.


1. Only the Impersonated User can Report Instagram Impersonation

According to Instagram, only the user or brand who is being impersonated can submit an impersonation report. 

Instagram’s ToS say, “We can only act on reports from the person who’s being impersonated or their authorized representative (ex: parent, legal guardian). Please ask the person being impersonated or their representative to file a report.

So, unlike Instagram ban evasion (everyone can report ban evasion on the platform), impersonation can only be pointed out by the impersonated individual or company.


2. Impersonating Someone on Instagram Is Against the Law

Impersonating someone on Instagram is not only a violation of Instagram’s terms of service, but it can also be illegal in many jurisdictions.

The act of pretending to be another person with the intent to deceive or defraud can be considered identity theft or fraud, depending on the specific circumstances. Laws and regulations related to impersonation vary from country to country, but generally, impersonation with malicious intent can result in legal consequences such as fines or even criminal charges. 


3. Brand Account Impersonation on Instagram Can Be Reported As Well

Impersonating a brand account on Instagram is also strictly prohibited and can have legal implications. Impersonating a brand account involves creating an account that falsely represents a well-known brand or business with the intention to deceive or exploit users. 

Instagram provides reporting mechanisms to flag and report instances of brand account impersonation, but the steps are slightly more complex (we’ll soon get to it).

Instagram Rules on Reporting Impersonation

How to Report Impersonation on Instagram (Personal Impersonation)

First, we are going to report the most common type of Instagram impersonation: personal impersonation.

Personal impersonation on IG happens when a user is pretending to be another person. This is highly against the rules of the platform, so follow these three steps to report impersonation on Instagram.

Step 1: Go to Instagram Help Center

Log into your Instagram account (preferably from a computer web browser), and go to the official Instagram Help Center page.

By clicking on the aforementioned link, you will access the official “Report an Impersonation Account on Instagram” section.

Step 2: Add All the Info Related to Instagram Impersonation

After opening Instagram Help Center, select “Someone created an account pretending to be me or a friend.”

Then select “Yes, I am the person being impersonated” – if you select “A friend is being impersonated,” Instagram will just ask you to tell your friend to fill out the report by themselves.

Include all the information you have about the impersonation report (including screenshots, the username of the impersonator, and more), and move on to the last step.

Step 3: Use this Instagram Personal Impersonation Report Template

Finally, we are going to write a compelling message for Instagram to take our impersonation report seriously.

Under “Additional info,” use the following Instagram Impersonation Report Template Example. Remember to modify it to match your personal information and add more details if needed – use the template as a starting point only:

Dear Instagram Support,

My personal Instagram account is being impersonated, and I need your immediate assistance. Here are the details:

  • Impersonated Account: [Your Instagram Username]
  • Impersonator’s Account: [Impersonator’s Instagram Username]
  • Evidence: [Attach relevant screenshots or links]

Please take immediate action to address this issue, disable the impersonator’s account, and ensure the safety of my account. I also request guidance on preventing future impersonation.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Instagram Username]

[Optional: Your Email Address]

Finally, submit the IG impersonation report, and wait for Instagram to reply back.

How to Report Instagram Brand Impersonation (Intellectuals Right)

Impersonating companies or brands on Instagram goes against the rules on Intellectual Property on the platform.

Brand or company impersonation on Instagram is more serious and severe than you might think. Follow these three steps to report Instagram brand impersonation.

Step 1: Log Into Your Instagram Business Account

To submit a brand impersonation report, you must be logged in from the official company account of the brand that is being impersonated.

Log into this IG account from a web browser, and move on to the following step.

Step 2: Go to the Instagram Trademark Report Website

To report brand impersonation on Instagram, you must submit a Trademark Report on this website.

Open the Trademark Report Page, select “I am the rights owner,” and then under “Contact You Want to Report”, select “Rights owner’s trademark is used in the username.”

You need your company’s electronic signature, the trademark registration number, and more company-related information. It is a complex process, but it’s the only way for Instagram to ensure you are the rightful trademark owner and not an impostor. 

Step 3: Use this Instagram Brand Impersonation Report Template

After including all the details related to your company, it’s time to elaborate a message to the Instagram Support Team.

Under “Please provide any additional information that can help us understand your report,” submit the following Instagram Company Impersonation Report Example:

Dear Instagram Support,

I am writing to report a critical issue regarding the impersonation of our business Instagram account. As this account represents our brand and company, we kindly request your immediate assistance in resolving this matter. Here are the key details:

  • Impersonated Account: [Your Business Instagram Username]
  • Impersonator’s Account: [Impersonator’s Instagram Username]
  • Evidence: [Attach any relevant screenshots or links]

This impersonation poses a significant threat to our brand reputation and may mislead our customers. We urgently seek your intervention to address the following:

  • Description of Impersonation: [Provide a brief description of how the impersonation is taking place and any concerning actions]
  • Impact of Impersonation: [Explain the negative consequences this impersonation has on our business]

Requested Actions:

  • Disable or Remove Impersonator’s Account
  • Protect the Integrity of Our Business Account
  • Provide Guidance on Preventing Future Impersonation

We greatly appreciate your attention to this matter and the swift resolution of this issue to safeguard our brand’s online presence.


[Your Name]

[Your Position at the Company]

[Company Name]

[Business Instagram Username]

How Many Reports to Delete Instagram Account For Impersonation?

Since impersonation on Instagram is such a serious matter, one single report can be enough to take action against the Instagram impersonator.

Besides, since only the impersonated person can submit the report, it doesn’t make sense for Instagram to require more than one impersonation report per account.

What Happens After You Report Impersonation on Instagram?

It is important to be patient after sending an Instagram impersonation report, as the support team receives thousands of messages every day. Either way, this is what will happen after reporting an Instagram impersonator:

1. After submitting an impersonation report, Instagram typically takes some time to review the report and provide a response. The response time can vary, but it generally ranges from 3 to 5 days. 

2. In some cases, Instagram may reach out to the person who filed the report and ask for additional information or evidence to support the claim of impersonation. It is important to promptly provide the requested information to assist Instagram in resolving the issue.

3. When brands report impersonation, Instagram may require them to provide more specific details related to the infringement. This can involve submitting trademark registration information, proof of ownership of intellectual property, or any other documentation that establishes the legitimate rights of the brand being impersonated.

Tech Recap: How to Report Someone Impersonating You on Instagram

Impersonation is not a joke – it can harm people and damage the public image of companies. 

You now have all the tools you need to report an Instagram account for impersonation. For more Instagram posts (such as how to fix Instagram not showing all posts), read all the articles that Mobile Wireless Trends has prepared for you.


Can Someone Go to Jail for Identity Theft on Instagram?

Yes – engaging in identity theft on Instagram can have serious legal consequences, including the possibility of imprisonment. It’s important to note that laws and penalties differ across jurisdictions, so the specific legal consequences may vary. However, it is universally recognized that identity theft is a serious offense that can lead to significant legal ramifications.

How Long Does It Take for Instagram to Review an Impersonation Report?

Instagram typically takes 3 to 5 days to review an impersonation report. The duration may vary depending on factors such as case complexity and workload. During this time, Instagram investigates the reported account to assess the validity of the impersonation claim.