How to Report Reddit Ban Evasion [Example & Steps 2023]

how to report Reddit ban evasion

There’s something curious about Reddit that keeps us hooked to this strange and fairly unique social media platform.

But, as it happens on all social networks, there are rules that should be followed by all users.

So, when a Reddit user gets banned for a good reason, then they should stay that way. The problem is, some “clever” users find a way to circumvent ban decisions on Reddit.

In today’s Mobile Wireless Trends guide, we are going to show you how to report Reddit ban evasion easily and quickly.


Quick Tech Answer

To report Reddit ban evasion go to the official Submit a Report Reddit Page, select “Content Policy Violation,” click on “Subreddit Ban Evasion,” and use our Reddit Ban Evasion Report Template Example to finish the process. You may rely on Reddit’s Ban Evasion Filter, but it doesn’t always work as it should. Continue reading to learn more.

Tech Shortcut

What Is Reddit Ban Evasion?

Reddit ban evasion refers to the act of circumventing a ban or suspension on Reddit by creating a new account or using alternative means to access the platform after being banned or suspended. Ban evasion is considered a violation of Reddit’s rules and guidelines, so we should not take this lightly.

It’s not like they are using Reddit without an account or using an anonymous Reddit profile, though. It’s more like they want to continue breaking the rules by using other Reddit profiles, which is entirely forbidden.


Reddit Rules on Ban Evasion in 2023

Reddit is clearly against ban evasion, as stated in Reddit’s Content Policy. Before we get to report a Reddit user for ban evasion, there are a few things we must know.

At the end of the day, this is not like fixing negative Karma on Reddit or changing your profile picture – instead, we are about to take action against a person who has circumvented Reddit enforcement options.


1. Reddit Has a Community Safety Setting to Report Ban Evasion

Reddit has their own automatic community safety setting that detects ban evasion, and you can learn more about it on Reddit’s website.

This filter is disabled on all communities by default, but moderators can turn it on. This Reddit Ban Evasion Filter is very innovative as it works to help Moderators know if a user has circumvented enforcement options or not.

However, the filter is not as accurate as you would think – we’ll talk about this later on.


2. All Reddit Users Can Report Ban Evasion

Everyone is able to report ban evasion on Reddit – everyone. However, Reddit will most likely ask you for more proof as they will not wrongly ban someone.

Under Rule 2 of Reddit Content Policy, they say, “Post authentic content into communities where you have a personal interest, and do not cheat or engage in content manipulation (including spamming, vote manipulation, ban evasion, or subscriber fraud) or otherwise interfere with or disrupt Reddit communities.

Therefore, the next time you notice ban evasion on Reddit, don’t hesitate and press that “Report” button right away.


3. Ban Evasion Might or Might Not Apply to Multiple Subreddits

Reddit has multiple sub-communities called Subreddits, but you already know that. Well, when someone evades Reddit enforcement options, they might be only banned from a certain Subreddit instead of the entire platform.

So, someone might be banned from Samsung’s Subreddit, but they might as well freely use iPhone’s Subreddit. In that case, the Ban Evasion filter will not trigger.

Only if the user has seriously broken Reddit rules (i.e., permanent Reddit ban) it’s possible for multiple Subreddits to take action against said user.

Reddit Rules on Ban Evasion in 2023

How to Report Reddit Ban Evasion

Most times, Reddit moderators will trust the features of the Reddit Ban Evasion Safety Filter.

However, mods are human, and the filter is not that accurate. Hence, keep on reading to learn how to report Reddit ban evasion in three easy steps.

Step 1: Go to “Submit a Request” Reddit Support Website

Redditors can report other users directly from a comment or direct messages. However, the best way to report ban evasion on Reddit is to go to the Submit Request website.

Log into your Reddit account, click on the aforementioned link, and open the Submit a Request Reddit Support Page.

Step 2: Select Report Subreddit Ban Evasion

After opening the “Submit a Request” page, follow the on-screen instructions to start the report.

Under “What do you need assistance with?,” select “Report Content Policy Violation.”

Then, under Policy Violation, select “Subreddit Ban Evasion.”

Fill in all the necessary details to support your claim. Also, if you have screenshots or information that helps you get the ban evader deleted from Reddit, then upload the files to the platform on “Attachments.”

Step 3: Use this Reddit Ban Evasion Report Template

After filling out all the details of the report, go to “Details of inquiry,” and use the following Reddit Ban Evasion Report Template example:

Subject: Urgent Report – Ban Evasion in [Subreddit Name]

Dear Reddit Moderation Team,

I need to bring your attention to a case of ban evasion in [Subreddit Name]. Here are the details:

  • User “Banned Username” has evaded their ban and created a new account with the username “New Username.”
  • The user is actively participating in the subreddit, disregarding the previous ban.
  • Screenshots and links showing their activities are attached for your verification.

Action is required to address this issue promptly. Ban evasion undermines the efforts of the moderation team and compromises the integrity of the subreddit.

Please take the necessary steps to address this ban evasion case and ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all users.

Thank you for your attention and swift action.


[Your Reddit Username]

[Optional: Your Email Address]

[Optional: Your Reddit Account Link]

Modify this template, include more information if necessary, and hit the orange Submit button. Reddit will review your message (it takes from 2 to 5 days for Reddit Support Team to reply back) and take the necessary actions to ensure the safety of the platform.

3 Things to Know About Ban Evasion Filter on Reddit

I have mentioned throughout this article that there’s a Ban Evasion Filter on Reddit.

In theory (but just in theory, not in practice!), this Ban Evasion Safety Filter should be enough to prevent ban evasion on Reddit, but that’s not the case.

These are the three most important things you must know about Reddit Ban Evasion filter.

1. The Ban Evasion Filter Is Not 100% Accurate

According to Reddit, the Ban Evasion Filter “isn’t 100% accurate, as the user signals we use are approximations.”

This means that it might flag users as Ban Evaders even if they have never been banned from a Subreddit. Therefore, the moderators need to carefully look into each report to ensure they are facing a ban evasion problem or a false-positive claim.

2. Shared IP Address Is an Issue for Reddit Ban Evasion Filter

Shared IP addresses in public spaces can certainly mess up the accuracy and efficiency of the filter.

The Ban Evasion Filter detects Low Confidence vs. High Confidence Ban Evaders for the moderator to determine if they must proceed with the ban or not.

However, the filter struggles to identify the differences between public IP addresses and private ones, which is a complex problem.

3. Moderators Need More Context Before Banning Someone for Ban Evasion

It’s all about context – we can’t let robots do all the work for us (you heard me, Elon Musk!). Jokes aside, Reddit moderators need way more context than just looking at the filter report before finally banning someone for Ban Evasion.

That’s why reporting Reddit ban evasion is so necessary – it can help moderators distinguish between ban evaders and false positives.

How to Appeal Reddit Ban Evasion

In the previous section, I talked about how inaccurate (yet helpful) the Reddit Ban Evasion filter is.

So, what happens if you are a regular Redditor, and then you get flagged by the Ban Evasion filter? That should not happen, but it might! In that case, this is how you appeal Reddit ban for ban evasion:

1. Go to Reddit Appeals while logged into a banned Reddit account.

2. Under “Help us understand why you have not violated our policy and have been suspended in error,” use the following Reddit Ban Evasion Appeal Template:

Dear Reddit Support,

I am appealing the ban on my Reddit account ([Your Reddit Username]). I strongly deny any ban evasion or rule violations. Please consider the following:

  • I have not created or used alternative accounts to evade the ban.
  • I have consistently followed subreddit rules and contributed positively to the community.

I request a thorough review of my account activity.

Please reconsider the ban decision promptly. I believe there may be a misunderstanding or error that needs to be addressed.

Thank you for your attention. I look forward to a resolution.


[Your Reddit Username]

3. Submit the message, and wait for the Reddit Support Team to come back to you. They may need more information before lifting the ban, so make sure to provide them with the info they need.

Tech Recap: How to Report Ban Evasion on Reddit

Fighting against Reddit ban evaders provides a safer platform for everyone. By reporting ban evasion on Reddit, you are helping others to have a better time while surfing this prominent social media network.

For more Reddit guides (how to fix Reddit messages not sending), you can always count on MWT. This is a summary of the steps to report ban evasion on Reddit:

  • Step 1: Visit the Reddit Support Website
  • Step 2: Select “Report Content Policy Violation”
  • Step 3: Use Our Reddit Ban Evasion Report Template


Can You See Other Accounts of Ban Evaders on Reddit?

No – moderators cannot directly see other accounts of ban evaders of Reddit. According to Reddit, “there are some restrictions on how the tool works and we can’t surface potential evading alts.”

Is Reddit Ban Evasion Report Anonymous?

Yes – only Reddit Support Team or the Moderators will know you have submitted a ban evasion report. No one else will ever know that you reported someone for Reddit ban evasion.