How to Use Reddit Without Account [Anonymous Reddit 2023]

how to use Reddit without account

Reddit is one of the most interesting social media platforms, and over 50 million daily active users confirm this (Oberlo)

You can find pretty much anything you want on Reddit, which makes it one of the best social networks to interact with new people.

But what if you don’t wish to engage with anyone, and desire to use Reddit anonymously instead?

This article shows you all you must know about how to use Reddit without account in 2023.


Quick Tech Answer

You can use Reddit without account simply by opening the Reddit App or Website without logging in. However, some features will be hidden from you if you don’t log in. The other alternatives are creating a throwaway Reddit account and using Old Reddit.

Tech Shortcut

Can You Use Reddit Anonymously?

In practice, yes, you can use Reddit without an account. In fact, you can simply open the Reddit website without being logged in, and use the platform without further problems.

The inconvenience is that you will be unable to comment on posts or interact with other Reddittors.

So, if you want to avoid negative Karma on Reddit, or if you simply wish to use the platform anonymously, then you are able to do so whenever you want.


How Does Using Reddit Without an Account Work?

Using Reddit without an account is quite simple. As I mentioned before, you can simply open Reddit and browse the platform without logging in.

But I get that some people might want to use Reddit anonymously in a different way. So, how does using Reddit without an account work?


1. Everyone Can Use Reddit Without Logging In

That’s it – try it by yourself. Simply open the Reddit website, and you’ll be able to browse through most of its sections.

However, some Subreddits are only available for people who have accounts, and other Reddit features (such as sending messages or commenting) only can be used by registered users.


2. Certain NSFW and Other Content Will Be Hidden on Reddit if You Don’t Log In

If you wish to browse Reddit without logging in, then keep in mind that NSFW and other types of content will be blocked from you.

In order to see NSFW and other types of content, you must have a Reddit account – it’s not optional. In fact, some communities will ask you for certain amounts of Reddit Karma before joining Subreddits or posting Reddit threads. 


3. Reddit Can IP Ban You if You Break the Rules

Having multiple accounts is not explicitly against Reddit rules. I’m sure that several Reddit users have more than one account, and the platform has no problem with it… unless!

If you create multiple accounts to harass people, post offensive content, or circumvent ban decisions, then Reddit might identify your IP and ban you from the platform.

Therefore, if you are looking to use Reddit anonymously with various accounts, then be mindful of your behavior on the platform. 


How to Use Reddit Without Account: 3 Methods

There are three different ways to use Reddit without an account, and they all work efficiently depending on your needs.

Keep on reading to discover how to use Reddit without account (anonymously, while logged out, and with Old Reddit).


Method 1: Just Open the Reddit App or Website

The first thing that you can do to use Reddit without an account is to simply open the website.

Just go to Reddit while logged out, and explore the platform to the boundaries you are allowed to.

As previously mentioned, certain types of content and Subreddits are inaccessible if you are not logged into a Reddit account. However, if you just want to read things, go to Reddit’s Website, do not log into a profile, and enjoy your anonymous Reddit adventure. 

You might also use the Reddit app for iOS and Android devices if you want. 


Method 2: Create an Anonymous Reddit Profile

This option consists of using an anonymous Reddit profile to use the platform. This means that you will not use your own personal Reddit account, and instead, you will use a throwaway Reddit profile – this is how you do it.


Step 1: Set up a Temporary Gmail Account

The easiest way to create a new throwaway Reddit account is by doing so via Gmail.

So, go to Gmail’s Sign In page, and set up a new email. Make sure to use fake names – in theory, Reddit does not share your Gmail information on their communities, but you never know!

Set up a temporary Gmail account, and after you do so, move on to the following step. 


Step 2: Choose a New Reddit Username and Complete Your Profile

Go to Redidt’s website, and click on the Login button. You might also use the Reddit App if you want.

The reason why we created a Gmail account is that you can simply register via Gmail, which will save you a lot of time.

Select “Sign Up with Gmail,” and start to set up the new anonymous Reddit account.

Choose a username that people can’t relate to you – also, set an original profile picture and fill up your account information so you don’t look like a bot.

Keep in mind that Reddit constantly blocks bots and spam accounts, so you need to make your account look like a real person instead of a throwaway profile.

anonymous reddit account



Step 3: Start Browsing Reddit Mindfully

Finally, after setting up your Reddit profile, it’s time to browse Reddit anonymously!

Remember – use the account mindfully. New Reddit accounts are more prone to getting banned than older Reddit profiles.

Besides, if you break the rules, you are risking yourself getting permanently banned from the Reddit platform. 


Method 3: Use Old Reddit

The third and last option to use Reddit without an account consists of using a website called Old Reddit.

Old Reddit is… almost the same as new Reddit, but with the old layout! However, Old Reddit has some cool features and access to certain communities that are not available on the newer version of Reddit.

You can use Old Reddit with your recently created anonymous account, or without logging in. In fact, users who want to use Reddit without an account will find access to more content on Old Reddit than on New Reddit, so go for it.


old reddit use reddit without account



Why Can’t I Use Reddit Without an Account?

If you tried to use Reddit without an account, but failed to do so, then there might be a problem with your profile. This is not a Reddit App problem (such as Reddit Messages Not Sending), so let’s take a look at what you can do:

  1. You Are IP Banned from Reddit: Sorry to break the bad news to you, but if you tried to create a new anonymous Reddit profile and couldn’t do so, then the platform might have banned your IP address.
  2. You Are Trying to Access Hidden Reddit Content: If you try to browse Reddit without logging in, you will notice that the vast majority of communities and content will be blocked from you if you are not using a valid Reddit account.
  3. Your New Reddit Profile Looks Fake: Remember that it is imperative to make your new throwaway Reddit profile authentic and original. Avoid general profile images and try not to get yourself into trouble. 

Tech Recap: How to Use Reddit App Without Account

Using Reddit without an account is really easy, but only if you do it right. This Mobile Wireless Trends guide has all you need to know to do this – check out the following summary to recap the information on this post:

  1. You can simply open the Reddit website on your browser and use the platform without logging in.
  2. Creating an anonymous Reddit account with a temporary or throwaway Gmail address is the best way to use Reddit without your own account.
  3. Using Old Reddit is a great alternative for users who want to have anonymous access to certain Reddit features.



Can You Use Reddit Without the App?

Yes, you can use Reddit without the mobile app – the website version of Reddit works on mobile phones and computers without problems.

Can I Browse Reddit Anonymously?

Yes, you can browse Reddit anonymously by not logging in, or by creating a throwaway Reddit account.