Why Are Subreddits Going Private? & How to Join Them [Explained 2023]

Why Are Subreddits Going Private

June 2023 is a dark month in Reddit history. As of now, thousands of Subreddits are now inaccessible, which means that they have gone private.

But why are Subreddits going private? What is happening? We at Mobile Wireless Trends will try to explain it in easy terms for everyone to understand.

On top of that, we will also show you how to join private Subreddits easily in 2023 – keep on reading to learn more.


Quick Tech Answer

Subreddits are going private because they are protesting against Reddit’s new fees for third-party access to its API, which allows apps to connect to the platform. By going private, these subreddits are limiting access to their communities as a way to show their disagreement with the new pricing model. Read more to learn how to get into private Subreddit communities.

Tech Shortcut

Why Are Subreddits Going Private? 3 Key Points

Thousands of Subreddits have gone private in the last few hours as a protest to the Reddit API Price increase.

We know this sounds complex if you are not into technical stuff, so we’ll try to simplify it for you.

Imagine you have a favorite website called Reddit where you can read interesting posts, comment on them, and have discussions with other people. Now, some clever developers created apps like Apollo for iPhones that let you do all those things, but in a slightly different way. It’s like having a special version of Reddit on your phone.

To make these apps work, they use something called an API, which is like a way for the app to talk to Reddit and get the information it needs. 

It’s a bit like asking Reddit questions such as, “Can you show me the comments for this topic?” or “Can you give me a list of posts in a particular group?” When the app asks these questions, Reddit gives it the answers with all the data it needs.

But here’s the tricky part. Reddit has decided to start charging the developers of these apps for asking too many questions. They say it costs them money to provide all that information. So starting from July 1st, the app developers will have to pay 24 cents for every 1,000 questions they ask Reddit.

Some people are not happy with this new pricing because they think it’s too expensive for the app developers. Before, the API access was free, but now there are conditions and costs involved for those who use it a lot. This change might affect how these apps work and how much they will cost to use.


1. Price Increase in Reddit API

Third-party apps like Apollo, which rely on Reddit’s API to provide users with an alternative interface, are being impacted by the pricing changes. Developers, such as the creator of Apollo, have expressed concerns over the financial implications of the new model, which could cost them millions of dollars per year.

This means that the Reddit landscape will change forever, and that’s why you can’t access some Subreddits even if you use Reddit without an account.


2. Reddit Communities Are Going Private

Over 8,000 subreddits, including popular ones like r/gaming and r/funny, have gone private in protest of Reddit’s fees for third-party API access. This move aims to raise awareness and express dissatisfaction with the new pricing model.

More Subreddits are likely to join the protest, so brace yourself for what’s to come.


3. Redditors are Protesting New Reddit Measures

Some users and developers have criticized Reddit’s management, describing their treatment of third-party developers as “unprofessional” and “hostile.” The pricing changes have led to frustration and discontent within the community, prompting discussions about Reddit’s approach and the future of third-party apps on the platform.

Until these problems are solved, they will continue to be private and have limited access to the public.


What Will Happen to Subreddit Communities?

To understand how serious this issue is, it is necessary to predict what will happen to private Subreddit communities. 

Our guesses (MWT) are the following:

  • Reduced functionality: Third-party apps that rely on Reddit’s API to provide alternative interfaces for subreddit communities may face limitations or changes in their features. This could result in reduced functionality or certain features becoming unavailable for users.
  • Shift in user experience: Users who prefer using third-party apps to access subreddit communities might experience changes in how they interact with those communities. The availability of features, ease of navigation, and overall user experience could be affected.
  • Potential migration: If the pricing changes make it financially challenging for third-party developers to continue offering their apps, some developers might discontinue or shut down their services. This could lead to a shift in user behavior, with people migrating to alternative platforms or relying more on Reddit’s official website or app.
  • Community reactions: Subreddit communities and their members might express their opinions and concerns about the changes. This could result in discussions, feedback, or even protests within the affected communities or across Reddit as a whole.
How to Access Private Subreddits

How to Access Private Subreddits (Join Private Reddit)

As of now, it seems like the only way to access private Subreddits is to ask moderators to grant you permission. 

However, as we were able to see, not all moderators will accept your requests – it all depends on how strict they are regarding the protests.

These are three quick steps to access private Subreddits.

Step 1: Go to the Subreddit You Want to Access

Open Reddit, log into your Reddit account, and go to the Subreddit you want to join. Open the Subreddit, and you’ll immediately see a message that says, “This subreddit is now private. Click here to find out why we have gone dark.”

Step 2: Select “Message Mods”

On the same screen, look for the “Message Mods” button and click on it. By clicking on this button, you’ll be able to send a message to the moderators of the Subreddit (who might be busy trying to ban Reddit ban evaders!)


Step 3: Add a Subject and a Message to be Accepted on the Subreddit

Finally, write a compelling message for the moderators to accept you inside the Subreddit.

The following Private Subreddit Example Template can help you achieve your goals:

Subject: Request to Join [Subreddit Name]


Hi [Mod’s Username If Possible],

I hope you’re doing well. I’m reaching out to request access to join the [Subreddit Name] community. I’m an avid Redditor and have been actively participating in various subreddits, and I’m particularly interested in becoming a part of [Subreddit Name].

I understand that the community has recently gone private, and I fully respect the decision. I genuinely appreciate the content and discussions that take place within [Subreddit Name], and I believe my contributions would align with its focus and values.

If there are any specific requirements or guidelines for joining the community, please let me know, and I’ll gladly fulfill them. I’m excited about the opportunity to engage with fellow Redditors in [Subreddit Name].

I look forward to potentially being a part of the [Subreddit Name] community.

Best regards,

[Your Reddit Username]

Modify this template to match your personal scenario, and send the message.

Remember that you are contacting Subreddit Moderators, not the main Reddit Support Team. They may or may not accept your request.

Tech Recap: Why Can’t I Access Private Subreddits?

The decision by many subreddits to restrict access and become private is a direct response to the fees that Reddit is imposing for third-party access to its API. 

This change has led to various consequences, including the potential for reduced functionality in third-party apps and shifts in the user experience.

We don’t know whether Reddit will revert to its previous state or find alternative solutions to address the concerns raised. 

As the situation evolves, you can check other Reddit-related Mobile Wireless Trends guides to learn more about this issue.


Will Reddit Go Back to Normal?

It’s hard to say. The future of Reddit returning to its previous state largely depends on the decisions and actions taken by Reddit administrators and moderators. While it’s difficult to predict with certainty, it is possible that Reddit may eventually go back to its normal functioning, depending on how the platform and its community evolve.

Why Didn’t Moderators Accept Me Into a Private Subreddit?

Some moderators will not accept new people into their Subreddits even if you send them a message. As the protest evolves, things might change in the near future.