Let’s Make Siri Talk to Alexa! [2024 Guide]

Can Siri talk to Alexa?

Siri and Alexa stand out as two of the most popular virtual assistants globally. You can simply give them commands and share your wishes to receive assistance from either of them!

Now, about Siri talking to Alexa—let’s clarify what you’re looking for. Are you curious if Siri can chat with Alexa for a bit of fun, or are you interested in using Siri to communicate with Alexa as an assistant?

Whatever your query may be, Mobile Wireless Trends is here to assist you. We’ll show you how to make Siri talk to Alexa, so keep reading to find out more.

Can Siri and Alexa Talk to Each Other?

In practice, Siri and Alexa can indeed talk to each other. If you make Siri read a text out loud, and that text starts with the “Alexa..” command, then Alexa will indeed pick up this sound and respond to Siri.

We know this sounds a little weird and futuristic somehow, but it is how it works! Alexa is always answering your questions and commands, and so is Siri, so if they are both enabled, and one of them happens to tell the other’s name through a speaker, then they will indeed talk to each other.

By the way, in case you didn’t know, Alexa Works with iPhone! You don’t need an Android device to use the Amazon Echo dot at all.


Do Siri and Alexa Understand Each Other?

Now, let’s go one step further: do Siri and Alexa ACTUALLY understand each other? Well, when it comes to basic terms, then yes.

Imagine this: you make Siri read the next text out loud – “Alexa, how’s the weather today?” Alexa will quickly understand this spoken command, and tell Siri how’s the weather indeed.

But she only understands Siri because she asked a valid question using a command. Now, when it comes to truly, truly understanding each other, then probably not.

It’s not like Siri and Alexa can simply start a conversation by themselves. That would be scary, wouldn’t it?!


How to Make Siri Talk to Alexa

There’s actually no reason to make Alexa talk to Siri and vice versa, but if you want to do it, then your best shot would be to follow these steps. 

  1. On your iPhone, enable the Text-to-Speech feature on the Accessibility Settings menu.
  2. Write down something that starts with “Alexa,” such as “Alexa, how are you?” and make Siri ready it through the iPhone’s speaker.
  3. Put your iPhone right next to Alexa, and let Alexa listen to the audio.
  4. Wait for Alexa’s answer and go to the Siri app on your phone. Alexa will most likely ask “how are you?” back, so Siri will listen to this as well.
  5. Siri will reply to Alexa, and a loop of two home assistant IAs talking to each other will start until there are no more questions to ask.


Can Siri and Alexa Communicate?

Siri and Alexa can understand each other if there are commands in the middle, but when it comes to true communication, then this is not possible.

There are certain things that home assistance can’t entirely do, and perhaps this is for the best. The communication that Siri can establish with Alexa is pretty basic, and it is more a “funny trick” than a true feature between these artificial intelligences.


Is Siri Better than Alexa?

Well, that’s an entirely different topic, and it depends on what you like. We’ll soon make a Siri vs. Alexa guide, but for now, we believe that Alexa is better than Siri.

Alexa’s voice recognition features are top-notch, and you can use Alexa on your iPhone as well, so replacing Siri is totally possible.

Anyhow, this depends on what you want to achieve with the home assistant you prefer.


Tech Recap: Can Siri Talk to Alexa?

Absolutely! Siri can have a humorous chat with Alexa, but it’s all for fun. If you’re looking to prank your friends or create entertaining content for your social media, making Siri talk to Alexa can result in some pretty amusing interactions.

However, it’s essential to note that Siri interacting with Alexa isn’t an official integrated feature between the platforms. So, while you might get some quirky or funny responses, don’t expect in-depth or meaningful conversations between these virtual pals.  

Techies Also Ask

Should Siri Talk to Alexa?

Well, “should” is kind of an existential question… should they talk to each other? There’s nothing bad with Siri and Alexa talking to each other, at least not in practice. The thing is that this is mostly for the laughs, and you will not get any true Siri with Alexa features if you make them communicate.