3 Steps to Tweet and Empty Tweet in 2024 [Blank Tweet]

how to Tweet and empty Tweet

Social media is a mixed bag of different things. Some folks are there for the interesting content, while others just want to have a good time.

Messing around on Twitter can be pretty amusing, just as long as you keep it light and don’t push the boundaries.

So, today, I’ll show you a slightly silly but highly entertaining trick: posting a blank Tweet on Twitter.

Keep reading to find out how to send out an empty Tweet effortlessly.


Quick Tech Answer

You can Tweet and empty Tweet from the Twitter Desktop Web version. Use the blank space characters below to do it, and continue reading to check out a live example of a blank Tweet.

Tech Shortcut

Can You Tweet a Blank Tweet?

In theory, yes, you can post a black Tweet on Twitter, but it doesn’t work as you might think. You see, if you try to post a blank space (the spaces that appear after tapping the Space Bar), the following message will appear:

can't post empty tweet on twitter



But this won’t stop us. You also can’t delete a Tweet reply from someone else directly, but I found alternatives to do it, so there’s nothing that can stop Mobile Wireless Trends from unleashing the full potential of the Twitter Platform.


Should You Send a Blank Tweet on Twitter?

I’m going to be completely honest here: you should not share a blank Tweet on Twitter.

Blank Tweets are fun, I know, but they have no value whatsoever – it’s not like you can later share that Tweet on LinkedIn.

Besides, by posting irrelevant content, your account might get its visibility lowered on the platform.

However, if you want to have some fun and surprise others, then yes, temporarily sending a blank Tweet on Twitter might be amusing!


How to Tweet an Empty Tweet on Twitter

Tweeting an empty Tweet is possible only if you know how to do it. For starters, the only way (or at least the best way) to Tweet a blank Tweet is to do so via the Twitter Browser Version.

Follow these three steps to learn how to Tweet an empty Tweet on Twitter easily.


Step 1: Log Into Twitter From a Web Browser

Log into your Twitter account from a web browser. You can do it from your phone too, but don’t use the Twitter app.

For better results, I recommend doing this from a computer instead of a mobile device.


Step 2: Use These Blank Characters

Go to the “What’s On Your Mind?” box to make a Tweet and click on it.

Then, copy and paste the following blank characters:

Blank Spaces: [ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎]

Make sure to only copy the blank spaces inside the [ ]. After copying the blank characters, paste them on the Twitter Text Box.


Step 3: Post the Empty Tweet

Click the “Tweet” button, and send the Tweet. Don’t include anything else on the Tweet. The blank Tweet will be posted, and it will look like this:



You can then forward this Tweet to your friends to have some fun! You can see our live empty Tweet example here.

The process is really easy, but then again, there aren’t many uses to it.

Why Can’t I Tweet a Blank Tweet?

Did you follow the aforementioned steps but are still unable to post a blank Tweet? This happens due to the following reasons, and this is how you fix it:

1. You Are Using Twitter Mobile App: Don’t use the Twitter mobile app for iOS and Android to send an empty Tweet. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. The best way to do so is by using Twitter Desktop Version instead.

2. Don’t Use Common Blank Spaces: Common blank spaces cannot be Tweeted by themselves. You need to use blank characters like the ones mentioned above. Blank spaces will not be sent on Twitter.

3. Your Internet Connection is Failing: Most times, when Tweets fail to send, it means that you are in front of a problem related to your Internet connection. Turn off your WiFi and enable mobile data – this should work to send the blank Tweet.

Tech Recap: How to Do an Empty Tweet

Posting an empty Tweet might be a bit quirky, but it’s a cool little tip that not everyone is aware of.

Sharing a blank Tweet can add a touch of amusement for your followers, keeping them intrigued by the simplicity of the empty Tweet. For more intriguing and distinctive Twitter tips, explore the various articles available at MWT!

Techies Also Ask

Can You Tweet an Empty Space?

You cannot Tweet a common empty space by itself – you need to copy and paste blank (transparent) characters in order to send a blank Tweet on Twitter.

What Happens if You Tweet Nothing on Twitter?

In theory, nothing should happen if you post “nothing” (or a blank Tweet) on Twitter, but if you do so many times, Twitter might lower the relevance of your account due to “irrelevant content.”